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Investment involves risks. The price of securities may go down as well as up, and under certain circumstances an investor may sustain a total or substantial loss of investment. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the fund. Investors should read the relevant fund's prospectus for further details including the risk factors before making any investment decision. An Investor should make an appraisal of the risks involved in investing in these products and should consult their own independent and professional advisors, to ensure that any decision made is suitable with regards to their circumstances and financial position. The above materials are issued by iFAST Financial (HK) Limited and have not been reviewed by the SFC.

Funds which are invested in emerging markets may involve a higher degree of risk, and may be more sensitive to price movements relative to the developed markets.

When the investment returns of a fund are denominated in a foreign currency other than the USD/HKD, US/HKD-based investors are exposed to exchange rate fluctuations.
RMB is currently not freely convertible and is subject to exchange controls and restrictions. There is no guarantee that RMB will not depreciate. If you convert Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency into RMB so as to invest in the fund and subsequently convert the RMB redemption proceeds back into Hong Kong Dollar or any other currency, you may suffer a loss if RMB depreciates against Hong Kong Dollar or other currency.

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This website contains information provided by iFAST Financial (HK) Limited. The information and products are intended for Hong Kong residents only. Non-Hong Kong residents are responsible for observing all applicable regulations and laws of the relevant jurisdictions before accessing the information contained herein. The legal and regulatory restrictions apply to this website are stated in the Disclaimer section which you are advised to read before the use of this website. Your use of this website represent that you have understood and accepted the disclaimers.. All Rights Reserved.